Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

Hello again my digital darlings,

I know, I know. Victoria has been a bad Fashion Fairy Godmother but I am here to make it up to you. I don't normally request items to review, I prefer picking out what I like and writing to you about it but I saw this little item being passed around and I had to try it. Something about the cool sheer blouse and the last days of summer winding down just reminded me of summers gone by. Late nights on the boardwalk, getting the last few chances at that stuffed animal for your sweetie, sharing a funnel cake or or some salt water taffy with your best buds. Walking along a beach bathed in moonlight, your shoes in your hand as you let the surf tickle your toes as you said farewell to summer. Yes those wonderful memories of youth.

And that darlings is what this blouse by Kathleen invokes for this fashionista. The ocean breeze blowing through it keeping you cool and relaxed. This blouse in her very subtle colours of  blue, purple, rose, nude and black and white can easily carry your wardrobe into the early fall. Kathleen also includes what she calls the "invisibilator"incase you take a stroll through some PG rated sims and don't want to expose too much. A very nice touch. You can find this must have item at her main store Kathleen's or at her shop on the jersey shore sim; Kathleen's @ Jersey Shore so you too can bid summer a fond farewell.


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