Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cold Logic: The arithmetic of the emotions.

Hello My Digital Darlings, welcome to the dog days of summer. That time when the fashion world takes a slight lull before the craziness of Fall fashion season begins. Lets take a moment to talk about.....MESH

Now I will be the first to admit I did not get on the "Mesh is the Future" bandwagon. A year ago when it was all folks were talking about I was a pessimist. When it started trickling in I fought it left and right. When i saw what it did to hair, I relaxed my guard a little. Then.. I had a skirt break on me the first time. And I was ready to delete all the cursed non primitives from my inventory.. And then the Great Lord Linden looked down once again from his  skybox on high and launched me through the grid to land at the doors of ColdLogic and restored my faith in the future of SL. I'm not saying mesh is perfect but this designer does some great things with it. It's not your standard templates retextured, they have some serious original stuff with realistic movement, good sizing as well as a wide range in color palettes. From casual to formal ColdLogic really has this mesh clothing thing nailed. But of course.. I do not, and my shape doesn't always want to conform to the "standard sizing", so this Fiber optic Fashionista is tweaking this that and the other to try and find just the right equation to make any mesh fit my shape, rather annoying when your partner wants to go dancing sometime in the next week. I swear sometimes he just doesn't understand the time I have to put in to looking this good, but then he buys me new shoes and I forgive him :). 


But I digress. Lyra Blackthorn of Body Doubles has once again come to our rescue in the pixel crisis of "Am I a medium or a small, if I'm a small why do my boobs poke out of the alpha, but the medium looks like I'm swimming in a barrel of material"... Le gasp. She has made standard shapes to ease this horrible burden.. Now I know what your saying "But Virtual fashion godmother the standard sizes are out there..somewhere..I think" Pish I say to you, Lyra has done the math for us! No more tweaking and shaping or worrying whether the alpha will cover our naughty bits. Not only that but this crafter of fine shapes includes not just her standard NC with some really awesome styling, but an additional one telling you which parts of the shape you can tweak to make it feel more you, and which parts if you touch them, will totally bork up the whole lot. Lyra once again we doff our prim caps to you (or mesh as the case may be). Bravo Madame, bravo.


Styling Notes:
"Outfit 1"
Shape - Isabella Medium Shape Non modified from Body Doubles
Hair - Carmen in Black By Emo-tions
Top - Andersen Top in Yellow by ColdLogic
Bottoms - Capris in Brooke Pink By ColdLogic
Feet - Mesh Natural feet by Slink

"Outfit 2"
Shape - Isabella Small Modified by Body Doubles
Hair - Fedora mystic Bob by Argrace
Top - Tebbets in Strawberry by Coldlogic
Skirt - Coyle in Chocolate strawberry by Coldlogic
Necklace - White South Sea Pearls Combo by Maxi Gossamer
Shoes - Coquette in brown by N-core

"Outfit 3" 
Shape - Carmen small by Body Doubles
Hair - Promise 01 by Magika
Dress - Mattison in ecru by Coldlogic
Shoes - Coquette in white "glitter" by N-core
Ring - Gigi Shimmer bow by Maxi Gossamer

Friday, July 27, 2012

GO gaga for Lady Gaga and VM tomorrow!

Well My digital darlings If you're looking for something to do tomorrow my I HIGHLY suggest you take a trip over to  Vero Modero for their SL concert repeat.. If you missed it the first time it was a scream!. I know I'll be there!

As always the Second Life fairy godmother has your transportation covered!
SLURL : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vero%20Modero/126/137/30

Due to insistent public demand, [VM] VERO MODERO will stage a repeat of the highly successful


July 28th, 12noon SLT at [VM] VERO MODERO Mainstore

SLURL             http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vero%20Modero/126/137/30/
LOGO:           􀀑
WEBSITE:      http://veromodero.blogspot.com/
FLICKR:          http://www.flickr.com/photos/veromodero/
Xtreet:            https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/66575
Facebook      http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vero-Modero/171661666194137

So nice I may Blog it Twice!

Hello my digital darlings! I know you all missed me terribly, but you may rejoice now because you Second Life Coach has returned and boy does she have some great things to share with you. In this post first I HAD to share the latest gown from Vero Modero. Oh My God with a a capital Oh Oh Oh I am in love with this gown. It's like the Miss Babii channeled the spirits of Julie Newmar, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly and Jackie O and said "I want to make a gown you will wear." Then when it was finished she went to Julia Andrews for approval. This gown drips sophistication, yet at the same time gives you the fairytale feel. The long sheath dress it timeless, from Camelot to Cosmo this dress is a sure fire thing. The appliquéd lace stole gives just enough flare and the combination of Flex with mesh, the best of both worlds, is what designers should aim for. VM has set the bar high with this gown that is for sure.


I will also confess, I had so much fun with this gown I took over 180 pictures before deciding on these.
Styling notes
Hair Demeter in Coal mine by Lelutka
Dress Fairey gown in cream by Vero Modero
Jewelry Artemis Jewelry set in antique white by Virtual Impressions

Monday, July 16, 2012

{Bilo} because we all are beautiful

Classic features and a skin tone like honeyed cream

Hello my virtual darlings!

Has Victoria have a scoop for you. I was tired of the same old fashions, skins that were too pink or orange, clothing that was bohemian but not quite as ethnic for what I was a looking for for my next series when P.Linden looked down on one of his own and saw her losing faith. As I was lagging through the One Voice event I stutter stepped right into a vendor and I could not help but blink up at it. Here was the face I wanted, the eyes the mouth everything so perfect in detail. Being the clicker that I am I bought it at once then hopped the enclosed landmark to {bilo} owned by Mayaa Thistle & Chandra Masala  And found such a treasure there I had to share it with you all.  I highly recommend you check out their store. There were so many outfits I had a very difficult time choosing just one. The Nasreen skin is out now, but stay tuned to their Group for new releases!
Makes you feel like a princess.

Chandramukhi Choli in cream
Chandramukhi Choli and skirt (( skirt is mesh!))

It moves so well very little to no breaking

Skin "Nasreen"in fair by {bilo}
Outfit "Chandramukhi" choli and skirt in cream by {bilo}
Hair "Susan" emo-tions
Lashes "Photoshoot" by Lelutka

Friday, July 13, 2012

Beauty is the promise of happiness

As I sit here on my private island, I contemplate how in sl we can have anything, be anyone we want. But who wants to walk around looking like elmer fudd with a head that someone had dropped a brick on and a face that's been smushed into a wall. Not this pixel princess, and neither my digital darlings should any of you. Not when you have Moi, your virtual fairy godmother to help you

Victoria's secret
A dash of posh spice
And you're off to "Beckingham" Place

Body Doubles will see you off well past midnight. I stumbled upon the store a few weeks ago, having always worn the same shape cause I thought it looked "good" It wasn't until my recent delving into the modeling world that I realized how much better an Avi could look. So in my search for perfection I was fortunate enough to discover this treasure. ranging from celebrities, models, fantasy inspired shapes, to the perfect shape to emphizes your favourite skin. Lyra Blackthorne is a true artiste when it comes to crafting the literal nuts and bolts to out digital desires. No odd bumps or strange angles to be found on these beauties. And with such a wide range I am sure you will find what you are looking for, and if not Lyra offers customization, but hurry and get in now she is booked solid for the next few months. Included in all your purchases is a modifiable shape (( which is great altering to fit into those system skirt gowns)), a non modifiable shape ( incase you muck it up..and lets face it once in a while we all forget to copy)) And style card to help you look the part. And she is spot on with it. Down to what eyelashes to wear. You'll be buying planks and mansions you'll feel so glamourous.

And I feel the need to show you the side profile.. of her other shape the Talena Which is at the One Voice event as well as in her store.

Just look at it! Perfect form, ((pardon my hair covering part of my ear I wanted to show how awesome her shapes are without any photoshop)) I may be spending next weeks tier in her store. Keep an eye on this creator folks, she's got some great things and I can;t wait to see who she can turn me into next.

Talena: A marvelous cascade of hair, as black as the wing of my tarn, loosened behind her, falling to the ground. I saw magnificent olive skin and those wild green eyes and features that were breathtakingly beautiful. 

Victoria Beckham Styling courtesy of the enclosed Body Doubles card 
Skin: -Glam Affair- JadisV2 MedTan - D 12

Tat Layer: Cheap Makeup- Cheekbone Contouring Medium

EyeShadow: *Fishy Strawberry* Kokeshi Eyes v.2 - Smokey Plum

Hair: Maitreya Nadja - Bistre(center part)

Analog "ais" espress (side part)

Eyes: [*RG*] Eyes -DeepBrown- *REDGRAVE*

Sunglasses: Eyewear - Holly v1.0 *REDGRAVE*

Lashes: Lelutka Photoshoot Lashes

Dress: Evale Cameron Black (MED) - make sure you are in the EVALE shop!  The lm forces a landing in Fallout.  If you are in Fallout leave...walk outside, and across plaza to to Evale.  I im'd owner about this so maybe by the time you use the lm...it will actually take you to the right place!

Ring: Chop Zuey Trifles Diamond Ring( this is made to fit right hand, I reattached and positioned on her left hand) 􀀒

Shoes: ::HH:: Hucci D'Ann - shown in the display picture in pink but pick your fav color all will work with a lil black dress
(( I chose black ))

Talena Styling courtesy of the enclosed Body Doubles card
Skin: Akeruka Meg Olive 07 H clevage

Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Amylee Night
(I repositioned the lower part of hair; moving it forward, to the right and rotating it so that it was not stuck in her breast but still fit with the upper portion of hair)

Hair Base: Analog Dog, Hair Base Pack, AD hair base - black

Eyes: Sunrise' Eyes - Celtic Green (M)

Lashes: (AMD) Ultimate Lashes - Hot Mess

Clothing: ~Soedara~ Tarantia d'Or Duae - Posedion
( I chose a different color)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One Voice July 9th to the 15th

Hello my digital darlings,

I felt the need to post this here, my followers are still few yet, never the less this is something that needs to be spread, like a summer wild fire in southern California. I was working on my next blog post, which will still be forthcoming with a minor deviation. When I stumbled upon a most curious curiosity about one of my favorite skin makers, Curio owner Gala Phoenix. This wonderful designer from our beloved virtual world had been shut down on Marketplace. Busy in world I became confused and did a bit of web trolling to discover that do to a very nasty case of copyright infringement her items had been pulled from the digital forum, let me be clear, it is against her, not her doing the nasty deed. Here We will have it from her own words.

Her  story is heart wrenching. And something that no one should have to experience. It does not just effect her, copyright infringement as awhile effects us all not just creators. Allow me to break it down for you.

A designer make a particular item, be it skin hair clothing, building, script, what have you. The creator sells said item for X amount of lindens. You the devoted virtual vivant that you are buy said item from creator. you wear it use is with pride, making it further into some thing for all to enjoy. Renegade copy monster with no heart or soul to speak of copies this item. The original creator is robbed, your item that has been incorporated int a style/build/ scenery etc, is devalued, it could be the original it could be the fake. Not only that, but who on the grid has not made something. This would be blogger can still remember the first two prime she linked together, the first time she strung a few lines of script on a notecard, and the laughable attempt when she tried to upload a mesh item. (( I'll post  a picture when I'm not so embarrassed) This could happen to anyone and it's something that must be stopped

In a response to this many second life designers have all come together to support Gala in her fight for justice by hosting a fundraiser to help with her legal costs. They are standing together as One Voice, to show the grid this is not something that will be stood for. And I urge you all to join in, the items for sale are awesome items, and at least a portion of their proceeds will go to helping Gala.

Here's you VIP Limo to the event: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mesh/92/84/22

Style notes
Found at one voice
Skin: Haifa skin  by Bilo
Outfit: Letters from Paris in black by SAKIDE

Found other places
Hair: Mango by DeLa

Retro Summer!

Well thanks to the Amazing Astounding and all around Awesome Audrey Cresci of Muse poses. This would be blogger had the privilege to check out the Marine collection from the very couture Vero Modero. Have a look  my digital darlings, then check it out for yourselves at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vero%20Modero/124/125/30 

Friday, July 6, 2012

An Afternoon with Miss Mundo Virtual, Hezabel Blackheart

Hello my Virtual Darlings! As many of you know this would be blogger began working for Hezabel Blackheart, the reigning Miss Mundo Virtual and prime contender for the Miss Virtual World crown. She has truly been an inspiration to me and I cannot thank her enough for all the help and advice she has given me in furthering my career.

With this in mind Hezabel offered to take some photos of me for the Deesse Girl of summer photo contest. As you will see she really has aided me in transforming myself into a more couture model. No one would recognize the little girl from for that walked into the MVW academy a few weeks ago. So with out further adieu.

Take one. The long hair. 


Hair: Catwa Clip "Sunshine" in Expresso

Skin: Deesse "Diva" in Milky Coffee

Feet: Similar "Mesh Feet"

Bikini: Shiki "Blue Plumeria"

Photo by Hezabel Blackheart

After some moments of quiet contemplation. I see hezabel has sent me two gifts. New hair and new jewelry. And here are the results.


Hair: Emo-tions "Anna"

Skin: Deesse "Diva" in Milky Coffee

Jewelry: *League* "wnaderer" in black

Feet: Similar "Mesh Feet"

Lashes: Ema's Secret "Snuggle"

Eyes: Ikon "Gaelic" in Pale Green

It amazes me what a difference subtle changes can make. I was so thrilled with the look I haven't taken the hair off yet. Can;t wait to see what the judges think! Off to post them to flicker now!

Ciao and stay stay rezzed beautiful people